πŸ—οΈCreating a Validator

We advise you against using Horcrux signing service as several validators have reported unstable signing. We suspect Horcrux is not yet stable under Cosmos SDK version 0.50.

We advise you to close the RPC ports if you are running a validator node.

In order to create your validator, make sure you are fully synced to the latest block height of the network.

You can check by using the following command:

curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result | jq .sync_info

In the output of the above command make sure catching_up is false

β€œcatching_up”: false

Create a validator.json file and fill in the create-validator tx parameters:

 "pubkey": $(sedad tendermint show-validator),
 "amount": "1000000000000000000000000000000000aseda", 
 "moniker": "the moniker for your validator",
 "identity": "optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase) This key will be used by block explorers to identify the validator.",
 "website": "validator's (optional) website",
 "security": "validator's (optional) security contact email",
 "details": "validator's (optional) details",
 "commission-rate": "0.1",
 "commission-max-rate": "0.2",
 "commission-max-change-rate": "0.01",
 "min-self-delegation": "1" 

Use the following command to create a validator:

sedad tx staking create-validator validator.json --from <wallet-name> --chain-id seda-1 --node <node-url>

That’s it now you can find your validator operator address using the following command, which you can advertise to receive delegations:

sedad keys show <wallet-name> --bech val -a

Last updated