โšกAccess Data from Any Network

Any blockchain network can securely access off-chain data through the SEDA protocol. The interface for this is the SedaProver contracts, which serve as the entry point for external blockchains to interact with the SEDA network. These contracts handle the posting and verification of data requests, ensuring that the results returned originate from the SEDA network and have not been tempered with.

The Solver network, a permissionless network of nodes, acts as a bridge between SEDA and external blockchains. Solvers monitor SedaProver contracts, report incoming data requests to the SEDA network, and return the results back to the consumer network.

This section covers:

  1. Access from EVM Networks: Learn how to set up a consumer contract on Ethereum-compatible blockchains to interact with SEDA through SedaProver.

  2. Access from Other Networks: Coming soon โ€“ how non-EVM blockchains will integrate with SEDA.

  3. Advanced: Run Your Own Solver: Coming soon โ€“ instructions on running your own Solver node to relay data requests and results.

By utilizing this structure, any blockchain can interact with the SEDA network to obtain reliable off-chain data, without requiring any custom integrations, making the entire integration process much more efficient.

Last updated