๐ŸคJoining Testnet Using State Sync

The state sync feature removes the hassle of manually downloading and decompressing a snapshot by automatically fetching a snapshot from a peer and then initiating the syncing process. This syncing strategy requires two trusted RPC nodes. SEDA's two seed nodes for the testnet are and

To use state sync, first initialize your node if you haven't done so:

sedad join <moniker> --network testnet

Then obtain a trusted block height and hash from a trusted node. For example:

curl -s |   jq -r '.result.block.header.height + "\n" + .result.block_id.hash'


Enable state sync and fill out the relevant fields in config.toml accordingly:

enable = true
rpc_servers = ","

trust_height = 653231
trust_hash = "B77528F6A290FCFBF25F730C6D490DE0DA7587EC6B2612AA2547773499CFB47E"
trust_period = "168h0m0s"

Start the node.

sedad start

Last updated