๐Ÿ”—Linking to an External Node

This section is for those linking to an external node, so if you want to run commands from your local machine, or don't feel like running a node yourself you can use the sedad binary to connect to an external node. This can be done two ways:

  1. Add the --node flag to your CLI commands, followed by the RPC endpoint in the https://<hostname>:<port> format.

  2. Alternatively, tweak configurations in client.toml in your chain's configuration directory (default location ~/.sedad/config/client.toml):

###                           Client Configuration                            ###

# The network chain ID
chain-id = "seda-1"
# The keyring's backend, where the keys are stored (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
keyring-backend = "file"
# CLI output format (text|json)
output = "text"
# <host>:<port> to CometBFT RPC interface for this chain
node = "https://rpc.mainnet.seda.xyz"
# Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async)
broadcast-mode = "sync"

When connecting externally, choose a trustworthy node operator. Unscrupulous operators might tamper with query outcomes or block transactions. The SEDA team currently provides the following RPC endpoint:

  • Mainnet RPC address: https://rpc.mainnet.seda.xyz

License Contents of this repository are open source under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Last updated